From 41䷨ to 7䷆, changes at lines 6, 1.

41䷨損 Decrease Sǔn

☶山🏔 Mountain
☱澤🏞 Lake

山下有澤,損; 君子以懲忿窒欲。

At the foot of a mountain, a lake: Decrease. Superior people control anger & restrain desires.

損: 有孚,元吉,无咎, 可貞,利有攸往。 曷之用,二簋可用享。

Decrease: Sincerity brings great good fortune without blame. Be persevering in this. Beneficial to undertake something. How is it to be carried out? Use two small bowls for the sacrifice.

Line 6

弗損益之,无咎, 貞吉,有攸往, 得臣无家。

Gain which causes no loss to others involves no error. Persistence in a righteous course brings good fortune. Beneficial to have a goal. Obtaining followers, but not family.

Line 1

巳事遄往,无咎, 酌損之。

Hurrying away when work is done is not wrong, but first consider whether a hasty departure will harm the work.

7䷆師 Leadership Shī

☷地🌎 Earth
☵水🌊 Water


Earth containing water: Leadership.
Superior people nourish & educate people.
They develop a following.


Leadership: With perseverance & a strong person,
good fortune & no blame.