2䷁坤 The Receptive K’un

☷地🌎 Earth
☷地🌎 Earth

地勢坤, 君子以厚德載物。

The Earth’s condition is Receptive. Superior people have the greatness of character to sustain all living creatures.

坤:元亨,利牝馬之貞。 君子有攸往,先迷後得主,利西南得朋,東北喪朋。 安貞,吉。

The Receptive: Outstanding success, beneficial through the perseverance of a mare. If superior people take the lead, they go astray, but if they follow, they find a master. It is favorable to find friends in the west & south; avoid friends in the east & north. Quiet perseverance brings good fortune.

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Long-term determination is favorable.

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龍戰于野, 其血玄黃。

Dragons fight in the open country. Their blood is black & yellow.

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Yellow lower garment. There will be outstanding happiness.

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括囊; 无咎,无譽。

A tied up bag. No blame, no praise.

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含章可貞。 或從王事, 无成有終。

Hidden brilliance; able to persevere. If in the service of a ruler, there will not be achievements, but tasks will be brought to conclusion.

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直,方,大, 不習无不利。

Right, square & great. Everything will be favorable.

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Walking on frost, reaching hard ice.