13䷌同人 Fellowship Tóng Rén

☰天🌌 Heaven
☲火🔥 Fire

天與火,同人; 君子以類族辨物。

Heaven & fire: Fellowship; Superior people distinguish things in terms of categories & groups.

同人 : 于野,亨。 利涉大川,利君子貞。

Fellowship: In the open countryside. Success. Beneficial to cross the great river. Beneficial for superior people to continue.

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同人于郊, 无悔。

Fellowship in the open countryside. No regrets.

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同人,先號咷而後笑。 大師克相遇。

Fellowship: first weeping, then laughter. A ruler succeeds in meeting others.

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They climb on the wall. They are unable to attack. Good fortune.

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伏戎于莽, 升其高陵, 三歲不興。

They hide arms in the bushes. They climb to the summit of a hill. For three years, no action.

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Fellowship at the ancestral temple; distress.

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同人于門, 无咎。

The beloved is at the gate. No blame.