45䷬萃 Gathering Together Cuì

☱澤🏞 Lake
☷地🌎 Earth

澤上於地,萃; 君子以除戎器,戒不虞。

Lake over earth: Gathering Together. Superior people renew their weapons in order to meet the unforeseen.

萃: 亨。王假有廟, 利見大人,亨,利貞。 用大牲吉,利有攸往。

Gathering Together: Success. A ruler approaches their temple. Beneficial to see a great person. This brings success. Perseverance furthers. Bringing great offerings creates good fortune. Beneficial to undertake something.

Line 6

齎咨涕洟, 无咎。

Lamenting & sighing, floods of tears. No blame.

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萃有位,无咎。 匪孚,元永貞, 悔亡。

If in gathering together one has position, this brings no blame. If there are some who are not yet sincerely in the work, sublime & enduring perseverance is needed. Then remorse disappears.

Line 4


Great good fortune. No blame.

Line 3

萃如,嗟如, 无攸利,往无咎, 小吝。

Gathering with deep sighs. No benefit for an undertaking. Go without blame. Slight humiliation.

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引吉,无咎, 孚乃利用禴。

Being drawn into something brings good fortune: no error is involved. Be confident & win advantage by bringing a sacrifice.

Line 1

有孚不終, 乃亂乃萃, 若號一握為笑, 勿恤,往无咎。

In the beginning sincerity, later change: disorder & gathering alternate. One cries out, then after grasping someone’s hands, laughs again. No fear. Go without blame.