54䷵歸妹 Marriage Guī Mèi

☳雷⚡ Thunder
☱澤🏞 Lake

澤上有雷,歸妹; 君子以永終知敝。

Lake below thunder: Marriage. Superior people understand the transitory in light of the eternity of the end.

歸妹: 征凶,无攸利。

Marriage: Advancing brings misfortune. It is favorable to have no goal in mind.

Line 6

女承筐无實, 士刲羊无血, 无攸利。

A woman holds a basket, but there is no fruit in it. A person stabs a sheep, but no blood flows. No goal is beneficial.

Line 5

帝乙歸妹,其君之袂, 不如其娣之袂良, 月幾望,吉。

A ruler marries off their younger sister. Her dress was not so elaborate as her younger sister’s. The moon was almost full. Auspicious.

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A maiden stays unwed for a long time, but the day comes when she marries.

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Marrying in servitude. They marry as a second partner.

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眇能視, 利幽人之貞。

A one-eyed person is able to see. The perseverance of a solitary person is beneficial.

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歸妹以娣, 跛能履,征吉。

Marrying as a second partner. A lame man is able to tread. Undertakings bring good fortune.