62䷽小過 Small Exceeding Xiǎo Guò

☳雷⚡ Thunder ☶山🏔 Mountain 山上有雷,小過; 君子以行過乎恭,喪過乎哀,用過乎儉。 Thunder over the mountain: Small Exceeding. Superior people’s conduct is overly humble. In mourning, they lament exceedingly. They are frugal in spending. 小過:亨,利貞,可小事, 不可大事。 飛鳥遺之音, 不宜上,宜下,大吉。 Small Exceeding: Success. Perseverance furthers. Small things may be done; great things should not be done. A flying bird brings a message: It… Continue reading 62䷽小過 Small Exceeding Xiǎo Guò

56䷷旅 Wandering

☲火🔥 Fire ☶山🏔 Mountain 山上有火,旅; 君子以明慎用刑, 而不留獄。 Mountain below fire: Wandering. Superior people are careful & clever in imposing punishments. They do not delay the cases brought. 旅: 小亨,旅貞吉。 Wandering: Small success. Continuing leads to good fortune.

53䷴漸 Gradual Progress Jiàn

☴風🍃 Wind ☶山🏔 Mountain 山上有木,漸; 君子以居賢德,善俗。 On the mountain, a tree: Gradual Progress. Superior people abide in dignity & virtue, in order to improve customs. 漸: 女歸吉,利貞。 Gradual Progress: The marriage of a maiden brings good fortune. Persistence in a righteous course brings reward.

52䷳艮 Keeping Still Gèn

☶山🏔 Mountain ☶山🏔 Mountain 兼山,艮; 君子以思不出其位。 Mountains standing close together: Keeping Still. Superior people’s thoughts do not go beyond their situation. 艮: 艮其背,不獲其身, 行其庭,不見其人,无咎。 Keeping Still: Keeping the back still as to no longer feel one’s body. Going into the courtyard, but not seeing people. No blame.

41䷨損 Decrease Sǔn

☶山🏔 Mountain ☱澤🏞 Lake 山下有澤,損; 君子以懲忿窒欲。 At the foot of a mountain, a lake: Decrease. Superior people control anger & restrain desires. 損: 有孚,元吉,无咎, 可貞,利有攸往。 曷之用,二簋可用享。 Decrease: Sincerity brings great good fortune without blame. Be persevering in this. Beneficial to undertake something. How is it to be carried out? Use two small bowls for the… Continue reading 41䷨損 Decrease Sǔn

39䷦蹇 Limping Jiǎn

☵水🌊 Water ☶山🏔 Mountain 山上有水,蹇; 君子以反身修德。 Water on the mountain: Limping. Superior people turn their attention inward to mold their character. 蹇: 利西南,不利東北; 利見大人,貞吉。 Limping: The southwest is beneficial. The northeast is not. Beneficial to see a great person. Continuing brings good fortune.

33䷠遯 Retreat Dùn

☰天🌌 Heaven ☶山🏔 Mountain 天下有山,遯; 君子以遠小人,不惡而嚴。 Mountain under heaven: Retreat. Superior people keep inferior people at a distance, not with ill will, but with dignity. 遯: 亨,小利貞。 Retreat: Success. Persistance in small matters is beneficial.

31䷞咸 Influence Xián

☱澤🏞 Lake ☶山🏔 Mountain 山上有澤,咸, 君子以虛受人。 Lake on top of a mountain: Influence. With a humble manner, superior people receive others. 咸: 亨,利貞,取女吉。 Influence: Success. Perseverance furthers. To marry a maiden brings good fortune.

27䷚頤 Nourishment

☶山🏔 Mountain ☳雷⚡ Thunder 山下有雷,頤; 君子以慎言語,節飲食。 Thunder rolling around the foot of the mountain: Nourishment. Superior people are cautious with their words; they restrain & regulate eating & drinking. 頤: 貞吉。觀頤, 自求口實。 Nourishment: Perseverance leads to good fortune. Observe the principle of nurturing & find proper food for nourishment.

26䷙大畜 Great Accumulating Dà Chù

☶山🏔 Mountain ☰天🌌 Heaven 天在山中,大畜; 君子以多識前言往行, 以畜其德。 Heaven within the mountain: Great Accumulating. Superior people study ancient knowledge to improve their character. 大畜: 利貞,不家食吉, 利涉大川。 Great Accumulating: Righteous persistance is favorable. Good fortune eating away from home. Beneficial to cross the great river.

23䷖剝 Splitting Apart

☶山🏔 Mountain ☷地🌎 Earth 山附地上,剝; 上以厚下,安宅。 Mountain rests on earth: Splitting Apart. Those above secure their position by giving generously to those below. 剝: 不利有攸往。 Splitting Apart: Not advantageous to undertake anything.

22䷕賁 Grace

☶山🏔 Mountain ☲火🔥 Fire 山下有火,賁; 君子以明庶政,无敢折獄。 Fire at the foot of the mountain: Grace. Superior people regulate people with enlightenment. But they dare not decide controversial issues in this way. 賁: 亨。小利有攸往。 Grace: Success. In small matters, favorable to undertake something.

18䷑蠱 Repair

☶山🏔 Mountain ☴風🍃 Wind 山下有風,蠱; 君子以振民育德。 Wind blowing at the foot of the mountain: Repair. Superior people encourage others to cultivate virtue. 蠱:元亨,利涉大川。 先甲三日,後甲三日。 Repair: Great success. It is of benefit to cross the great river. Before starting, three days. After starting, three days.

15䷎謙 Temperance Qiān

☷地🌎 Earth ☶山🏔 Mountain 地中有山,謙; 君子以裒多益寡,稱物平施。 Mountain hidden within earth: Temperance. Superior people reduce what is too much, & add to that which is too little. They weigh things & make them equal. 謙:亨,君子有終。 Temperance: Progress & success. Superior people carry things through.

4䷃蒙 Youthful Folly Meng

☶山🏔 Mountain ☵水🌊 Water 山下出泉:蒙。 君子以果行育德。 At the mountain’s base a spring wells up: Youthful Folly. Superior people cultivate their character through decisive action. 蒙:亨。 匪我求童蒙,童蒙求我。 初筮告,再三瀆, 瀆則不告。利貞。 Youthful Folly: Prosperous progress. It is not I who seek them, the youth seeks me. The first time they ask, I answer; but if they ask again… Continue reading 4䷃蒙 Youthful Folly Meng