27䷚頤 Nourishment

☶山🏔 Mountain
☳雷⚡ Thunder

山下有雷,頤; 君子以慎言語,節飲食。

Thunder rolling around the foot of the mountain: Nourishment. Superior people are cautious with their words; they restrain & regulate eating & drinking.

頤: 貞吉。觀頤, 自求口實。

Nourishment: Perseverance leads to good fortune. Observe the principle of nurturing & find proper food for nourishment.

Line 6

由頤,厲吉, 利涉大川。

Nourishment’s source. Danger & good fortune. It is of benefit to cross the great river.

Line 5

拂經,居貞吉, 不可涉大川。

Turning away from the path. Perseverance brings good fortune. Don’t cross the great river.

Line 4

顛頤,吉,虎視眈眈, 其欲逐逐,无咎。

Nourishment on the mountain peak: good fortune. Staring like a tiger stalking its prey. No blame.

Line 3

拂頤,貞凶, 十年勿用,无攸利。

The wrong kind of nourishment. Don’t act on it for ten years; nothing to be gained.

Line 2

顛頤,拂經, 于丘頤,征凶。

Seeking nourishment from the top, straying from the path. Continuing leads to misfortune.

Line 1

舍爾靈龜, 觀我朵頤,凶。

Letting a magic tortoise go; watching with mouth watering: misfortune.